Tuesday, January 11, 2011

@cheifgreen -$10 (Official Video) (Final)

Iam going to take a break from only posting videos and get bk to my fashion blogging.. However this Artist @CheifGreen is something to blog, post, tweet, and more about. He's a LA native like myself resides in the A. Checc 4 him 4real..

Monday, January 10, 2011

Can Yu see @dymondwayz?? "Victory" by Duce & CheifGreen


This my FAVORITE WestCoast Artist @ the moment @cheifgreen -$10 (Official Video) (Final)

follow him on www.Twitter.com/CheifGreen also Follow his Network @lovehaterecords @studiowestatl @ombproductions @dymondwayz

This Boy is nice.. J Young.. and My babe Bro @Casmilli.. check dem out